Issues Domain

The Issues domain is accessible to all users and can be accessed from the left hand menu within ICEFLO as shown in the diagram below.

Note: Issues can be raised at any point during the Runbook lifecycle.

This domain lists all issues which are of interest to you and which meet the following criteria:

  • The issue is aligned to an Runbook in a group you are part of
  • The Runbook is not Dormant/ Abandoned/ Closed/ BO Closed or Deleted
  • The issue has been raised by a user and not by the system

From the Issue Title the Issue detail modal can be launched allowing edits to be made to the issue.

There are a number of pre shipped reports available which users can use to drill down into the Issues.

1. Primary Report - lists all issues which may be of interest to you

2. All (Closed) - lists all closed issues

3. All (Open) - lists all open issues

4. High (Closed) - lists all closed issues which were high severity

5. High (Open) - lists all open issues which are high severity

6. Low (Closed) - lists all closed issues which were low severity

7. Low (Open) - lists all open issues which are low severity

8. Medium (Closed) - lists all closed issues which were medium severity

9. Medium (Open) - list all open issues where are medium severity

10. System Generated - lists all issues which have been raised by the system