Dependency Creation
Dependencies can be created from the Maintain Dependencies Modal window. Both Task Predecessors and Task Successors can be maintained from this screen. This can be accessed by clicking the dependency icon from either the List Tasks screen, the Edit Tasks screen or Task Cards view. From this screen you can maintain the predecessors and successors that a task has. The Dependency modal window can also be accessed from a tab within the Edit Task modal, and the various locations where that can be launched.
Current Dependencies
On launching the dependency modal window, all dependencies which have been added to the task will be listed.
From the current dependencies section of the Dependency Modal window additional information about the task is listed, such as the Type, Dep Type, State, the Runbook ID the task belongs to, the Runbook Title, the Event Task ID, the Task ID, Task Title, the Start, Duration and End time of the Task, and if the Dependency is internal or external.
From the Type columns you can identify the type of dependency which has been added to the task. There are two types of dependency available within ICEFLO:
1. Start to Start Dependency - this is denoted in any hover overs as SS. Start to Start Dependencies means that as soon as a task's Predecessor starts its Successors will become available for activation.
2. Finish to Start Dependency - this is denoted in any hover overs as FS. Finish to Start Dependencies meaning that as soon as a task's Predecessor finishes its Successor will become available for activation.
The Dep Type column will show if the task is a predecessor or successor of the task:
3. Denotes that the dependency is a predecessor dependency
4. Denotes that the dependency is a successor dependency
The Potential Dependencies part of the screen will list all tasks that can be added to a task as either a potential predecessor or successor. By Default the window will list the tasks in the Current Runbook. If you wish to add a dependency to another Runbook you can do so by clicking on the search icon next to Target Runbook. From here all potential Runbooks where dependencies can be added to will be listed. If the Runbook is part of an Event then only Runbooks that are also in the Event will be listed as potential Target Runbooks.
Double click on the Runbook which you wish to add dependencies to. This will return you to the Dependency Modal window with all potential tasks listed.
Adding a Predecessor
Adding a predecessor to a task can be done by clicking on the add button in the predecessor column. Once the dependency has been added, the task will now show in the top half of the modal window.
All predecessor dependencies will be listed together followed by any successor dependencies, in Runbook then sequence ID order.
Completed tasks can be added as predecessors to tasks, if they have been missed during the construction process.
Adding a Successor
Adding a successor to a task can be done by clicking on the add button in the successor column. Now that the dependency has been added, the task will now show in the top half of the modal window.
All successor dependencies will be listed after any predecessors which have been added to the task.
Maintaining Dependencies
There a number of ways in which dependencies can be removed from tasks.
From the dependency modal window you have the ability to remove dependencies either individually or via a bulk action.
1. To remove an individual dependency you can do so by navigating to the task you wish to remove and click the remove button.
2. To remove all predecessor tasks in one action you can do so via the Remove Predecessors button, this will remove all tasks which are a predecessor to the task.
3. To remove all successor tasks in one action you can do so via the Remove Successors button, this will remove all tasks which are successors to the task.