ICEFLO v5 EnterpriseWhat's New in ICEFLOWhat's New in ICEFLO v4.4Single Tier Interactive Grid for Edit - Stages and Tasks

Single Tier Interactive Grid for Edit - Stages and Tasks

A re-modelled Interactive Grid enables simplified editing of Stages and Tasks within an STP. On selecting the Edit button, the Edit STP - Tasks screen presents Stages and Tasks in the same format as you see on the List Tasks screen in Run mode. The panel allows you to quickly navigate across Stages to make additions and edits to both Stages and Tasks, whilst retaining the full plan in context. Anyone who is in the Deployment Team with permissions of Admin, Manager or Author can edit all of the fields in the plan, whilst the STP and Tasks are in certain states. The State rules for Edit have not been changed.


Click the Edit Mode button

Click the Edit button

You will now be able to click into any cell and edit the data within that cell.

This format allows you to edit your plan whilst seeing it in the format in which it will be executed.

The Interactive Reports panel now has the Row selection added, so the view can be reduced or extended as required.

Checking the Select All box then clicking on the Actions button alongside the tick box allows you to do some multi-actions, including Approve all Tasks and Delete all Tasks.

On selecting Approve Tasks, a pop-up modal will present the list of Tasks you'd like to Approve. You can choose to deselect certain Tasks at this point, by using the check boxes to deselect.

On selecting Delete Tasks, all Tasks presented will have a strike-through. You can undo Delete all Tasks by clicking on the menu again and selecting Revert Changes.

Clicking on a Stage Header menu, will enable a number other actions to be carried out in relation to that Stage only. These actions are:

  • View Stage - this will bring up the details of the Stage Headers
  • Add Stage - this will add a Stage to the STP (Stages can also be added using the Add Stage button in the top panel of the Grid)
  • Copy Stage - this will allow a copy Stage from any STP
  • Move Stage - allows for moving a Stage into a different part of the STP
  • Delete Stage
  • Add Task - to use for adding a Task to the Stage you have selected

Clicking on a Task Menu will enable you to carry out a number of actions in relation to the Task selected:

  •  View Task - will present the Task detail screen
  • Add Task - to add a Task in the Stage
  • Approve Task - to approve only that Task
  • Copy Task - to copy the Task and place it anywhere in the STP
  • Move Task - to move the Task anywhere in the STP
  • Delete Task

To edit the detail of any Stages or Task withing the STP, select the Edit button or double click on the cell you would like to make edits within. In either case, you must click on Save to save any of your changes. Once you are in a field to edit, you can tab along the columns to edit the next field in the row.


The Dependency, Backout Trigger, Notes and Document icons will present the relevant pop up modal when selected.