Milestone Tasks & Stages

There are three different levels of Milestone Tasks within ICEFLO. The relevant level of Milestone can be attributed to individual tasks or stages depending on their significance.

Level 1 Milestones are represented with a solid blue flag icon

Level 2 Milestones are depicted by a checkered flag

Level 3 Milestones are represented with a white flag icon

Setting a Milestone Task

Milestone flags can be aligned to tasks from the Task Detail screen.

Clicking on the Milestone dropdown menu will allow you to select one of the three available milestone level.

Once you are happy with your selection click Update Task and this change will be saved.

The same process can be applied to a stage by clicking on the stage title and repeating the process.

Milestone flags can also be aligned to Tasks and Stages within edit mode.

Clicking in the Milestone column of the Task or Stage you wish to make a milestone will present a dropdown menu where you can align the appropriate level of milestone to that Task or Stage.

Milestone Reporting

When viewing the List Tasks screen you can filter on Milestone Tasks by level allowing you to filter on Level 1 Milestone Tasks and Stages, for example.

Milestone Tasks are also captured with their corresponding level in both the PDF Status Report and Checkpoint Report