Activity Reporting for Audit

A new tab is available on the STP Detail screen and lists all changes made to Stages and Tasks from the point of creation. 

The Activity List will highlight the following attributes:

  • Time stamp - when the action was taken
  • By - who made the edit or change
  • Plan - Implementation or Backout
  • ET ID - Event Task ID if the STP is in an Event
  • Name - Task or Stage ID and Title
  • Action - what action was taken, like an update, delete, move, copy, etc
  • Object - Stage or Task
  • Item - what was changed ie, Title, Duration, Dependency etc
  • New Value - What has the action changed the Object to
  • Old Value - what was the original version

The Interactive Reports will show all Imp and Backout Plan Stages and Tasks on the primary Report and can be filtered on just Imp plan or Backout plan under Reports 2 and 3.