Notify Me - Proximity Warning

In addition to owners or teams having the ability to receive notifications when their tasks become available, they can also receive communications for upcoming tasks.  This period is configurable at Client, Runbook and Task level.

These communications will be sent to the user depending on their personal contact details, communication preferences they have provided under their Profile and the proximity period set.

If Notify Owner is enabled and the Task is aligned to an individual then the Task Owner will receive the communications for the task.

If Notify Owner is enabled for a Task and the task is aligned to a team only then Users of the owning Team and who are part of the Deployment Team will receive the communication that the task is  available for activation.

If Notify Owner is enabled and the Task has no Owner, or no Team or a Team is aligned but no Users who are part of the Deployment Team are aligned to that team, then the communications for the Task will be sent to the Deployment Managers of the Runbook.

Client Configuration

From the Admin domain on the left hand side, select Configuration.  As shown below you can configure the Available Notification Period to a client wide standardised duration.  All Runbooks created from this point onwards will use this default for Notify Owner.

Please note that the minimum proximity threshold is 5 minutes.

A standard notification period can also be set at Runbook level meaning that all notify owner tasks will have the proximity set across the Runbook unless the Task Owner of a specific task chooses otherwise.

As mentioned above the proximity time can also be changed at individual task level based on the task owners requirements. This can be done from the Task Detail screen of the task in question.