Release Note v5.4

This Release includes New Features, Enhancements and Bug Fixes. These include the following: 

New Features

Notify Team

The comms facility has been enhanced and it’s now possible to notify team members of a task (which is owned by a Team and not an Owner) when becoming available.

Multi Delete Stages

From the Edit mode of Runbook – Tasks you can now delete multi stages. 

In App Notifications  

We now have the ability to notify end users logged into ICELFO of upcoming event and any relevant news.


Extra Columns on My Runbooks

On My Runbooks, screen 111, we have added additional columns – Event Title and Event ID as well as the Runbook state.

ServiceNow Integration (Admin)

ServiceNow Integration (admin section) has been enhanced as a pre requisition for ServiceNow – Change.

User Provisioning Emails

Emails being sent for newly provisioned users have been updated to show the ICEFLO image and the footer amended to show ICEFLO company information flowing the demerger from Agenor Technology Ltd. 

ICEFLO Tours in Pod 1

To enhance the highlighting on the tours feature, the steps have been tagged in our database.

Hover Overs on Maximising of Screens

The button & dependency hover overs on Event – Tasks, 704 and Runbook Tasks, 400, were not showing when you maximised the screens.  This has now been resolved.


Service Now Instance URL

When adding a Product instance for a ServiceNow integration the URL field allowed you to enter any text.  Validation has been added to this field to ensure a correct URL is added.

Comms on Threshold Breach

When RAG thresholds were being breached, the user community were only receiving comms when the issue was resolved.  This has been addressed and comms are now being sent when the threshold is breached.

Events List

Events which had no Runbooks aligned were showing on the Events chart on the Home Page but were not listed on Events List on screen 700.  This has been fixed and they now show on both.

Runbook – Detail Updating Fields

On Runbook – Detail, 114, updating the fields produced an error on save.  This has been addressed.