Service Now Integration

ServiceNow Incident Management supports the incident management process in the following ways:

  • Log Incidents in the instance
  • Classify incidents by impact and urgency to prioritise work
  • Assign to appropriate groups for quick resolution
  • Escalate as necessary for further investigation
  • Resolve the Incident and notify the user who logged it
  • Use reports to monitor, track, and analyse service levels and improvement

The goal of Incident Management is to restore normal service  operation as quickly as possible, while minimising impact to business  operations and ensuring quality is maintained.

Service Now users can record and track the incident until service  is restored and the issue is resolved. Each Incident is generated  through various methods as a task record that contains pertinent  information. Incidents can be assigned to appropriate service desk  members, who document the investigation and resolve the task.

ICEFLO allows you to escalate issues and raise Incidents from within  the application and integrate these with ServiceNow.  ICEFLO users can view key, up-to-date information on the Incident from within ICEFLO.

For more information on SerivceNow please click on the link below:
