Runbook Gantt

Viewing The Runbook Gantt

Viewing The STP Gantt

The Gantt Chart option is available from the Runbook Dashboard button.

Runbook Gantt

STP Gantt

The Runbook Gantt visualises the Planned Times of Tasks against the Actual Times that Task occured. The Task bars are coloured to indicate the state and progress made on the Task.

Dark Grey - Planned Time of Task

Light Grey - Forecast Time of Task

Light Blue - Stage Header

Dark Blue - Shows the percentage complete of an Active Task and Complete Tasks

Orange - Task is flagged as a Milestone Task

Diamond - Shows 0 duration Tasks

Selecting the appropriate tick box will allow you to look at Pre Imp Tasks, Imp Tasks, Post Imp Tasks or all. Selecting Stages Only will present only the Stage summary view.

The Red line running Vertically downthe screen denotes current system time.