Copy Multiple Stages

You have the ability to copy multiple stages at a time, from one Runbook to another, or to another position in the current Runbook. You can copy multiple stages from the edit tasks screen, by selecting the stage headers of the stages which you want to copy. From the burger menu at the top of the screen you will have the option to copy stages. This will launch the copy stages modal window.

Please Note: a maximum of 10 stages can be copied at one time

From the Copy Stage modal window you should add where you would like to copy the Stages to. Stages can be copied to elsewhere in the current Runbook or to another Runbook.

Retain Predecessors

When copying Stages to either the current Runbook or an external Runbook you have the ability to retain any predecessors across the stages which have not been chosen to be copied. If you do not check this box and predecessor dependencies which are outwith the selected suite, these will be lost.

Retain Successors

When copying Stages you have the ability to retain any successor dependencies. Retain successor dependencies will mean that any dependencies to tasks outwith the chosen selection will be retained. If this box is not ticked then the successor dependencies to tasks outwith  the chosen selection will be lost. Successor dependencies can be retained when copying to either somewhere in the current Runbook or to another Runbook.

Retain Ownership

When copying Stages you have the ability to retain ownership of the tasks, this means that the current owner/ team will be retained as long as the user copying the tasks is a Deployment Manager of the target Runbook, the owners and teams copied across will automatically be added to the Deployment Team. If you are not a Deployment Manager of the target Runbook, then the ownership of the tasks will not be retained.

Retain Notes

When copying Stages you have the option to retain any notes which have been added to tasks. When retaining these notes the original author of these will always be retained regardless of whether or not they are in the deployment team.  

Retain Documents

The last option you have when copying Stages is the option to retain documents, if you opt to retain documents these will be copied over to the Target Runbook.