Multi Task Edit

From the Edit Screen within a Runbook you can edit multiple tasks in one action.

Once on the Edit Screen select the tasks which you wish to update via checking the checkbox on the left hand of the screen- you can only update a maximum of 50 tasks at a time.

On clicking the Edit Tasks Button the Multi - Task Edit Modal Window will be launched.

Once the modal window has been launched the tasks which you selected from the edit screen will be populated.

Please note that active tasks can not be updated via the Multi - Edit Modal Window.

From the Multi - Edit Screen users can update the following fields:

  • Task Owner
  • Task Team
  • Explicit Start Time
  • Task Duration
  • Notify Owner Flag
  • Trigger Comms Flag
  • Milestone Flag
  • Skip Task Flag
  • User Defined Fields

If you tick the clear box any data that was inserted into the field will be removed. Leaving the fields as No Change will make no changes to those fields.

Any change which is marked to be made to a task will be applied to all Tasks which have been selected.