Runbook Dependency Visuals
The Runbook Dependency Visual can be accessed from the Runbook List Tasks View.
On launching the Runbook Dependency View you will be presented with a visualisation of all tasks in the Runbook and the Dependencies within these.
By Default all Phases, Stages and Tasks are displayed.
You can choose which Phases of the Plan you wish to view by amending the Phase Checkboxes. The same applies for Stage headers.
Task Features and Colours
The Red Vertical Line which runs down the visualisation denotes the Current System Time.
Dark Blue denotes Complete Tasks and Stages
Light Blue denotes a Pending Stage Header
A grey box denotes a Task
Milestone Tasks will be show as an Orange Box
Any Tasks which have an External Dependency will have a Red Border
A Task or Stage in progress will have a dark blue progress bar running in real time through the Task and Stage boxes
Finish To Start and Start to Start Dependencies

Start to Start Dependencies will show with the dependency connector coming from the the Start of the Task (left hand side) and connecting to the Start of its Successor Task.
Finish to Start Dependencies will show the connector of the Predecessor Task joining its Successor Task from the End of the Task (right hand side) and joining at the Start of the Successor Task.
Hovering over the Dependency Connectors will also launch a pop detailing information with regards to the Task Dependencies.
Critical Path
Tasks which Fall on the Critical Path in the Runbook will be noted with a Dark Blue Connector and a Dark Blue Border. These will dynamically update if and when the Runbook Critical Path changes.
Task which do not form part of the Critical Path will have a grey connector to depict the dependencies between these tasks.
Viewing A Runbook's External Dependencies
A task in a Runbook may have an External Dependency, by default this External Dependency will not show as it is not part of the Runbook you are viewing.
However you do have the option to add these to your view by enabling the External Dependencies Checkbox.

Once this has been enabled any External Dependencies to Tasks in the Runbook will be shown.
External Dependencies will also be given a Red Connector to Highlight these.
Creating Custom Views
From the dependency visualisation you can create your own custom view via the Create View Button.
This will launch the dependencies view modal window.

From here you can choose which information you want to see in the dependency visual, for example while running a Cutover you may not want to see any Completed Tasks therefore you would opt not to check this box. Or you may only want to see Tasks which form the Runbook's Critical Path.
You must give the view a name.
This view will then prevail on every login.
To amend the view, you can click on the Maintain View and make the necessary changes.
Show Planned Times
From the Dependency Visualisation you have the ability to view planned times against the actual times and see where time was gained or lost in the plan. To enable this toggle on the Show Planned to Yes.

On enabling the Show Planned Times a Dark Grey line will be added to visual so you can easily see if there were differences in the times of Tasks starting and completing.
Dependency Zoom and Task Focus
To focus in on a certain time frame in the dependency visual you have the ability via the date picker to choose a time period which you want to focus on. Tasks will only show if they start and stop within the selected time frame.

You also have the ability to zoom in via the + and - from the buttons on the top right of the dependency visual.
If you right click on the task title and choose Task Focus a modal window will be launched which will focus in on the chosen task and show all predecessors and successors.

Task Activation and Completion
From the right click menu you also have the ability to Activate and Complete Tasks.