Runbook-Level Issues

Runbook-level Issues are associated with the entire Runbook rather than a single task within an Runbook. The creation of an Runbook-level issue would typically be performed by the Deployment Manager.

Runbook-level issues come in two distinct types:

  • System-Generated - these occur when a warning threshold is breached, for example
  • User-Generated - invoked using the Raise Issues menu option, from the Runbook Panel

Issues can be raised at any stage during the Runbook Lifecycle. 

Raise Issue - No Action

Whenever the Raise Issue option is invoked, the Raise Issue screen (602) is presented.  If you raise an Issue from the Issues screen, 600, the Action will be set to No Action as default.  Complete the details as requested below and select Raise Issue.  You can, of course, amend the action from this screen if required.  The Issue will appear as an Open Issue on the Runbook - Issues list.

Suspend Runbook

Complete the details as requested below and select Raise Issue.  The Issue will appear as an Open Issue on the Runbook - Issues list and the Runbook will be in a state of Suspended. On suspending a Runbook, any Available Tasks become Pending, however Active Tasks will remain active, on completion of these and successor tasks will remain in a pending state until the Runbook is reactivated.

Backout Runbook

Complete the details as requested below and select Raise Issue.  The Issue will appear as an Open Issue on the Runbook - Issues list and the Runbook will be in a state of Backing Out. As a result of this Any Implementation tasks become not available and Tasks in the Backout Plan become Available.

Abandon Runbook

Complete the details as requested below and select Raise Issue.  The Issue will appear as an Open Issue on the Runbook - Issues list and the Runbook will be in a state of Abandoned. Invoking this action will result in all tasks becoming not available.