Event Checkpoint Report
The Event Checkpoint Report is a PDF report that can be generated by Event Managers. The report generates as a PDF and has various options for the data it can contain.
- Event Managers are able to generate an Event Checkpoint Report at any point in time or an Event PIR with a narrative and optional sections
- Any user with Event Report visibility will be able to generate an Event Status Report
- Any user with Event Report visibility will be able to download an Event Status Report
- Report Creators and Lead Event Managers can delete Event Status Reports
- Checkpoint Reports and PIRs can never be deleted or amended by anyone
To view existing reports or generate a new report, click on the reports button on the Event Summary panel.
You can generate a new report by clicking on the 'Create Report' button in the top right hand corner of the Event Reports Panel.
To create an Event Checkpoint Report, click the 'Create Report' button and select 'Checkpoint Status Report'.
This will produce a window to allow you to select various sets of data you wish to have displayed in your report.
First you must select a red, amber or green status from the dropdown menu for each option:
- Progress
- Risk
- Issues
- Summary
You then have the option to type a narrative for each of these fields to expand on the status you have chosen for each one.
Once you have set the status and entered text in each summary field simply check the boxes below for the additional data you wish to include within your report.
Once you have made your selection click 'Create Report'.
Reports can be downloaded by clicking on the download icon