Create Event

Please note that in order to Create an Event you must be Manager or above and have Event Manager Status.

Event Creation

From within the Event screen (700) select the 'Create Event' button from the top right hand side.  If you do not see this button then you do not have the level of authorisation required to create Events.

Title and Groups

From the screen above you can name your Event and use the shuttle menu to select Groups, within which your Runbooks reside.  This list is generated from the Groups the User is aligned to. To include a Group which is not available on the list you must be added into that Group.

Please note that at all times an Event must be aligned to at least one Group.

Using the shuttle menu will allow you to customise Group participation in the Event.

To progress with creating your Event, select Next.

Select Event Managers

After selecting the Groups you would like associated to the Event, you can select additional Event Managers. The selection of Managers presented will already belong to all the Groups selected in the previous step. To add a User as an Event Manager for a specific Event, select the relevant icon from the Add/Remove column. The User who created the Event will be the Default Event Manager for that Event. Being added as an Event Manager to Event does not give users the permission to edit Runbooks which are part of the Event. In order to make amendments to any of the Runbooks the User must also be added to the Runbook deployment team.

Select Event Runbooks

After selecting the Event Managers you will then be prompted to select which Runbooks you wish to add to the Event by selecting the relevant icon in the Add/Remove column. If you accidentally add a Runbook to an Event it is very simple to remove by simply invoking the red cross button to delete the Runbook from the Event.

Runbooks cannot be added to more than one Event.

If you have Runbooks which are linked by external dependencies, you only need to select one Runbook and it will automatically bring the linked Runbooks into your Event. If you cannot see the Runbook you require, it is likely the Runbook in question is not in the Groups you have added at the start of the Create Event process.  You can complete the Create process and go back to Maintain Runbooks or Maintain Groups to make any adjustments.


Please note that it is not necessary to add your Runbooks at this stage as they can be added to the Event at any time via the Maintain Runbooks link on the Maintenance menu.

There is also no limit to the number of Runbooks which can be added to an Event


Unlike an individual Runbook, ICEFLO requires a schedule to be populated as part of the Create Event process. Entering the Event schedule details is the last stage of building your Event.

If you have added scheduled Runbooks into an Event, the Change Window Start (CWS) time and latest Change Window End (CWE) times of the Runbooks within the Event will pre-populate next to the relevant fields on the Schedule Details field.  If your Runbooks have still to be scheduled or added to the Event these suggested times will not show.

You may return to this screen at a later date to make amendments to the Event Schedule.

Select Finish to create your Event.

The Event Schedule does not govern the Runbook Schedules. However ICEFLO will notify you when the Runbook Schedule Falls outwith the Event Schedule via the Event RAG on the Event Runbooks Screen.

Created Event

Once your Event has been created your default view will be the one shown below.  From here you can expand the Event Summary panel and the Gauge panel.  Navigation to the following screens are easily accessible from the icons on the right hand side of the summary panel.  These are:

Event - Runbooks (Default)

  1. Event - Tasks
  2. Event - Issues
  3. Event - Change Records
  4. Event - Dashboard
  5. Event - Reports
  6. Event - Schedule
  7. Event - Details
  8. Event - Managers
  9. Event - Teams
  10. Event - Groups
  11. Event - Clone
  12. Event - Activity