Dormant Runbooks

To optimise timecalc performance, Runbooks are now given a Dormancy Threshold.  This threshold is given by the system on the creation and reinstation of Runbooks.

This predetermined threshold by default is 3 days from the Service Impact time of an unlinked Runbook.  Runbook's which are linked will only become dormant when all of the Runbook's meet the dormancy criteria.  An Initial Runbook will become Dormant after 7 days unless it has been given a schedule.   Abandoned, Closed and Backout Closed Runbook's will never become Dormant.  

If a Runbook is part of an Event, whereby the timecals are 'managed' then the Runbook's will automatically become Dormant once the Event is Closed.  To Resume an Runbook which belongs to a Closed Event the Event must be re-opened.

Runbooks can be Resumed by an Deployment Manager but please note that if an Runbook has external dependencies, these Runbooks will also be Resumed.  

Dormant Icons

Dormant Runbooks are represented by a greyed out background.  

Resuming a Dormant Runbook

To Resume a Dormant Runbook simply click on the Resume button from the Runbook panel.

You must be a Deployment Manager of the Runbook to carry out this action.  If no Resume button is available check that the Runbook is not part of an Event.

Events & Dormant Runbooks

To manage the timecalcs of the Runbooks in a specific Event, select Details from the Event panel

If you wish the Runbooks in your Event to become Dormant as soon as the Event becomes Closed the Yes option should be selected from the Manage Runbook Timecalcs dropdown.  

Please note that Yes is set as default.

Clone a Dormant Runbook

When you clone a Dormant Runbook, the clone will be in a non dormant state.  A new Dormancy Threshold will be populated for this clone.