Authorisation Levels

The Authorisation Level must be given to each User within ICEFLO. The Authorisation Level given to a User will determine which actions they can carry out. 

Authorisation Levels


Users who are given Administrator Authorisation level have full administration privileges. They have the ability to create and edit all Admin and Config elements as well as maintain user profiles within ICEFLO. They can create, edit and activate their own Runbooks and if added to a Runbook as a Deployment Manager they have the same permissions.


Manager Authorisation level should be aligned to those who are responsible for creating or executing Runbook's, for example Deployment Managers. These Users can manage the Runbook across the entire Runbook lifecycle i.e. Create, Import, Construct, Edit, Approve, Commit, Activate, Suspend, Backout , Abandon and Delete Runbook's


Author Authorisation level can be aligned to individuals responsible for creating or carrying out tasks within a Runbook (e.g. Technical Specialists, Business teams). An Author can create a Runbook and perform some Runbook Construction activities but does not have access to any further Runbook Lifecycle actions. They can activate and complete tasks which are aligned to them or their team if they have been added as part of the Deployment team for a Runbook.


Participant Authorisation can be aligned to individuals who need sight of the Runbooks but do not need to create or edit any aspect of the Runbook. A Participant can see all Runbook content but is not able to make any changes to the Runbook. A Participant can start and complete tasks aligned to them or to their Team if they have been added to the Deployment team for that Runbook. 

Read Only

Read Only Authorisation allows users to log into ICEFLO and look at data but they are not  permitted to make any changes or start and complete tasks.

Task Agent

As a Task Agent in ICEFLO, you have access to two items from the left hand menu - Home and Academy. The Task Agent has no further access to any data in ICEFLO beyond the Homepage and Academy data.

The Homepage is comprised of three panels for the User with Task Agent permissions:

Inflight Tasks - this will show all tasks which are currently in flight which are aligned to them or to their team.

Task Status - the task status panel summarises the state of the tasks which the Task Agent has permissions to activate or complete.

Tasks - this list all the tasks which have been aligned to the individual or their team allowing them to Activate and Complete those tasks from the Homepage.

Passive User 

A Passive User is a User who can be added to a Runbook Deployment team but cannot log in and interact with the application. The Passive User can be included to receive regular Communications or Escalation Communications by email, SMS or both.  

Non-Standard Users

In addition, there are some additional attributes which can be given to a User that grant additional functionality to the given User.

These non-standard user attributes are as follows:

  1. User Manager
    Enables a User of Author Authorisation level and above to perform the User Administration roles, such as creating and maintaining Users.
  2. Event Manager 
    Enables a User of Manager Authorisation level and above to perform the Event Manager role.
  3. Issue Manager
    Enables a User of Author Authorisation level and above to create and manage Issues.


Deployment Team & Deployment Managers

In each Runbook there must be at least one Deployment Manager. 

The Deployment Manager of a Runbook can build the Deployment Team and add additional Deployment Managers. Deployment Managers of a Runbook have complete control of that Runbook including the ability to build, edit, schedule, approval and activation, as well as raising issues and running reports.