View Tasks

View Tasks

View Tasks

The Tasks graph displays all Tasks within a Runbook as well as the status for each Task. This graph will change between Implementation and Backout depending on the context of the Runbook.

To see the individual Tasks detail, click on the 'View Tasks' button.

Runbook Tasks

STP Tasks

The Runbook Tasks page displays all Tasks within the Runbook. Your can scroll through this list, Sort by ID (In numerical order), Sort by Priority (Tasks which require imminent attention first) or manually search for a specific Task. At the bottom of the screen you can toggle between Implementation Tasks and Backout Tasks.

The status of each task is denoted by the icon to the left of the Task. Any Dependencies associated to the Task is denoted by the link icon below the Task status icon.

To view further details of a Task you can tap on an individual Task.

Task Details

Task Details

Task Details displays the relevant information for that Task. From this screen, you can Activate or Complete Tasks if you have the correct permissions to do so. In the above example the Task is Active and you are given the option to Complete the Task.

An option to view the Task Predecessors and Successors is also available if applicable.

Buttons will appear faded if the action is not permitted.