Courses Available
There are five courses available for users.
Undertaking this training will enable ICEFLO users to log in to the application and locate key feature across the solution. The course will cover at a high level how users can carry out any actions relevant to their role and user permissions.
The video time for watching this is under one hour.
- ICEFLO Introduction
- Homepage
- Runbooks and Tasks
- Reporting
- Issue Management
- Dashboard
- Status Reports
- Events
- Event Tasks
- Event Issues
- Event Dashboard
- Event Status and Checkpoint Reports
Active Cutover
The ICEFLO Active Cutover course is designed specifically for users who will be activating Runbooks. Completing this course will enable ICEFLO Users to manage Active Runbooks, carry out any relevant actions aligned with their role during a live cutover and confidently navigate to and understand in detail the data presented across the various reports available.
The video time for watching this is under one hour.
- Runbook Activation
- Tasks
- Teams, Team Members and Comms
- Dependency Visualisations
- Reporting and Views
- Managing Issues
- Backout
- Event
- Dashboard
This course is designed for those who are involved in building cutover plans or Events, Deployment Managers, Event Managers and Task Owners can all learn how to create detailed plans, incorporating inter plan dependencies. At the end of the training, attendees will understand the basics of how to effectively build, schedule and commit events, runbooks, stages and tasks in ICEFLO.
The video time for watching this is under one hour.
- ICEFLO Introduction
- Creating a Runbook
- Stages
- Editing Tasks
- Multi Edit
- Dependencies
- Scheduling
- Approval Process
- Create Events
- Import
At the end of the course, attendees should understand the basics of how to construct a High Level Plan and map Runbook stage drivers to Components within the plan, then understand the information available when components of the HLP are Active.
The video watching time for this course is 12 minutes.
- Introduction to the High Level Plan (HLP)
- Create an HLP
- Add Swimlanes, Timelanes, Workstreams and Components
- Adding Milestones and Checkpoints
- Adding Dependencies
- Mapping to Runbook Stage Drivers
- Reports
- Clone
Admin & Config
The ICEFLO Admin & Config course is designed for users who will be responsible for creating and maintaining the configuration elements of ICEFLO for your organisation. some or all of these items are require when creating users or Runbooks.
The video watching time for this course is under one hour.
- ICEFLO Navigation
- Runbook Structure
- Client Config - Catalogues
- Data Dictionary
- Groups & Billing Units
- Locations
- Environments
- Portfolios & Services
- Divisions & Departments
- Programmes & Projects
- Teams
- Roles
- Users
- User Permissions
- User Audit
- Configuration
- Login & SMS Activity