Viewing an Issue

Issues can be viewed from either the Event Summary panel (if your Runbook is in an Event) or from the Runbook Summary panel.

All Issues regardless of their type can be viewed from the Issues screen.

'Open' Issues for the Runbook/Runbooks can also be viewed in the Runbook or Event summary panel.

Runbook Issues

From the Runbook summary panel click on the Issues icon as highlighted below.  This will expand to show Runbook - Issues.

  1. ID - ICEFLO assigns a unique identifier to each Issue created or generated
  2. Status - the Status of the Issue is identified by the icon presented in this column (Open or Closed)
  3. Severity - the Severity of the issue is identified by the icon presented in this column
  4. Action - the Action column lists the actions invoked when raising an issue i.e. Suspend Task, Backing Out etc
  5. Title - the Title of the issue will give you a brief description on why the Issue was raised.  This relates to System Generated Issue also as shown below
  6. Owner - the Owner of the issue is identified, i.e. the User who raised or system-generated the issue
  7. Owning Team - this column is populated by the Team of the Owner
  8. Raised By - the User who raised the issue is identified - in this case the user who made the changes to the associated tasks
  9. Sys - the System column identifies issues that were system-generated (Y) or user-generated (-)
  10. Raised At - the Raised At column captures the date and time that the issue was raised or generated
  11. Resolution - the Resolution column captures the date and time that the issue was closed [in these cases it matches the date and time of raising, as system-generated issues are automatically closed by ICEFLO].
  12. Task ID - if the Issue is associated to a Task then the Task ID and Title will be populated here

Event - Issues

From the Event Summary panel select the Issues button to view all the Issues across your Event.  

You cannot Raise Issues at Event level, only view them. However, clicking on an Issue title will take you to the Issue in the Runbook context where it can be updated or resolved.

The Event - Issues will list the Issues across all Runbooks and present you with the information as it does in Runbook - Issues.  If you click on the Title of one of these Issues it will present you with the Maintain Issues page.